Forever Projects Launches ‘Simulacra’: Intersection of AI and Art

Foundation's curatorial branch, Forever Projects, is set to launch 'Simulacra', an exhibition featuring 15 artists, exploring the convergence between AI and art.


Posted on May 8, 2024

The increased rise of AI and art has recently sparked contentious discussions about the authenticity of AI-generated artworks and their place in the world of traditional art.

In a bold move, Foundation’s curatorial arm, Forever Projects, launches an art exhibition, ‘Simulacra’. This initiative dives into the vibrant intersection of AI and artistry, showcasing the boundaries of creativity and furthering this conversation by spotlighting artists who have incorporated AI throughout their creative process.

Particularly, following Foundation’s thought-provoking ‘1-877-AI-SUCKS’ hotline conversations and a complimentary free mint, Simulacra breaks down the barriers between authenticity and imitation that delves deep into the boundless creativity spanning human history, leveraging AI as a tool to uncover this.


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